
2015年6月1日,州长. Greg Abbott签署了参议院第11号法案(S.B. 11),也被称为“校园携带”法. S.B. 11,这是编纂在 第411节.amjs澳金沙门线路政府法典第2031条, provides that persons licensed to carry a handgun in Texas may carry a concealed handgun on university campuses. 该法律赋予公立大学一定的自由裁量权来规范校园持枪行为.

德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 takes issues surrounding guns on campus very seriously and has adopted rules and regulations governing campus carry that conform to Texas law, protect the rights of citizens and ensure the safety and security of the entire campus.

S.B. 11 .在与学生协商后, 教职员工amjs澳金沙门线路“学生群体的性质”, specific safety considerations and the uniqueness of the campus environment,大学可以就下列事项制定合理的规章制度:

  • carrying of concealed handguns by license holders on campus; and

  • 在宿舍或其他居住设施存放手枪

法律规定, however, that these rules and regulations may not either "generally prohibit" or "have the effect of generally prohibiting" license holders from carrying concealed handguns on campus.

UT Austin’s rules and regulations governing campus carry are set forth in the university Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP 8-1060).  Under S.B. 11, individuals who are licensed to carry may carry concealed handguns on campus premises except in locations and at activities prohibited by law or as specified in HOP 8-1060.


德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 is committed to providing a safe environment for students, 员工, 大学附属, 和游客, and to respecting the right of individuals who are licensed to carry a handgun as permitted by Texas law. UT Austin is obliged to follow Texas law to the letter and is not at liberty to enact policies or provisions that violate it. 对法律的任何修改都必须经过州立法程序.

Individuals who hold a license to carry are eligible to carry a concealed handgun on campus. License holders must be 21 or older and must clear eligibility requirements related to criminal background, 精神健康史, 以及药物滥用问题. 在公共安全部网站上了解更多有关资格的信息.


amjs澳金沙门线路amjs澳金沙门线路大学校园持枪政策的演讲, 包括常见定义, 例子, 资源及更多



教职员工的流程, staff and students to appeal the implementation of the president’s policies by the 校园携带 Implementation Task Force (CCITF)



Frequently asked questions regarding policy implementation, exclusion zones, safety and more



Report submitted to the Legislature detailing UT’s 校园携带 Policy as required by Senate Bill 11




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