概述 of 研究 at UT Austin

The University of Texas at Austin is proud to be one of the world's leading research universities. Our students and faculty are encouraged to explore and discover in the arts, humanities and sciences — and across disciplinary boundaries. UT researchers work to fight and treat diseases, devise solutions to global problems, address critically important social issues and improve the human condition in myriad ways. Our world-class resources include extensive grant and funding opportunities, broad support networks dedicated to turning ideas into products and companies, and state-of-the-art labs, studios and facilities. We're proud to support our inspiring community of researchers — and are dedicated to sharing their work with the world.

Student researchers examine object.

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View the latest research across campus — from freshmen to global experts — in 19 schools and colleges.

Students working in pharmacy lab

Funding Sources

UT Austin offers a broad mix of fellowships, 奖助金, 奖, and limited submission funding opportunities to researchers.

ACES O'Donnell Building Vislab Open House

Core Facilities

We're committed to providing our research community with access to the latest equipment and technology.

Postdoctoral Resources

Postdoctoral Resources

The Postdoctoral Office supports incoming, current and international postdocs with a variety of helpful resources, including information on appointment procedures, 好处, 和更多的.

Nobel Prize medal of Steven Weinberg, winner of Nobel Prize for Physics in 1979

研究 Recognition

Our faculty is internationally distinguished and includes winners of the Nobel Prize, Pulitzer Prize, National Medal of Science, Wolf Prize, and countless other 奖. 

Discovery to Impact

Discovery to Impact

Explore our technology commercialization efforts and learn how we're helping to move groundbreaking discoveries and inventions from the lab to the marketplace.